目前分類:Hell's Kitchen (2)

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When I started the vactional placement 2 , I was be sent to a different restaurant.
I gotta say I love this place!
That is a quite peaceful kitchen I've nerver seen before.
Everyone has good skills and emotion, treat me mild smile.

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這週是在home stay 的最後一週之後要搬到West End開始新生活。
住home stay好處多多,生活有人照顧,打掃作飯不勞費心,加上全天候英文說聽讀寫,真正融入英式生活。
只是適合剛來的人吧,翅膀硬了就要單飛。Home stay很貴,日後開始工作,不見得有機會吃用到家中一切,還是租個便宜的房子實際。

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